I’ve been following the career of sludge-metal supergroup Corrections House – featuring Mike IX Williams, Scott Kelly, Sanford Parker, Bruce Lamont et al – since the beginning, and I’ve been intrigued every step of the way. After all, what exactly would one expect from an EHG/Neurosis mash-up served with a side of Yakuza? Their initial offering, the Hoax the System 7”, was equal parts post-sludge and post-industrial, while debut full length Last City Zero was all over the place—in a good way.
Though not really foreshadowing, some of these song titles are vintage Eyehategod vitriol. “Crossing My One Good Finger” is electronic-dominated, dark industrial matter, with a couple forlorn and foreboding Neurosian passages thrown in for good measure. “White Man’s Gonna Lose” is more Ministry, maybe, or Skinny Puppy, perhaps. Mike IX’s vocals are well suited to this evil mechanical mayhem, I’ll give ‘em that… but for those looking for any strains of Neurosis or EHG, look elsewhere.
Kelly contributes vocals to the acoustic-and-effects-laden “Visions Divide.” “The Hall of Cost” does have one distorted, doomy riff amidst its industrial backdrop while Lamont’s saxophone achieves a similar effect in “When Push Comes to Shank,” another Kelly-sung tune. Hey, I don’t mind all the electronic noises, but I’m beginning to believe this band would benefit from a drummer and/or bassist.
Read the rest of Corrections House – Know How to Carry a Whip on Hellbound.ca.